
Meet the team

You are always welcome to contact us at

In Denmark:

Lisbeth Johansen
+45 2485 5858

Having worked as a hotel sales director for several years, Lisbeth founded LittleBigHelp in 2010 from a desire to help people who don’t have access to basic human rights, healthcare and educational opportunities. Though Lisbeth is the Founder of LittleBigHelp, she has chosen not to take any form of salary from the organization. 

Rachel Ploug Kahlke
+45 2282 0123

Danish Project Manager
Rachel manages our external communications, and is in charge of events planning and accounting and she contributes to the fundraising activities.

Anna Tilgaard Petersen
+45 3051 7615

Danish Project Assistant
Anna manages our projects and ensures compliance and high-quality standards, making sure that our funds are channelled to the right projects

Morten Eisby
+45 2851 2055

Danish Communications and Partnerships Manager 

Morten manages our visual storytelling, as well as researches and maintains our corporate relations.

Christina Marie Flinker
+45 5338 5929

Administrative Assistant
Christina works part-time assisting with a wide range of administrative tasks.

In India:

Our LittleBigHelp India Trust office in Kolkata is an implementation agency with 90 employees dedicated to our projects and administration

Debasish Guha

Programme Director

Sahana Gupta

Manager, Child Protection

Kasturi Basuray

Mercy Barla

Manager, Grants and skills

Arijit Bhatta

Manager, Counselling

Bijoy Ghosh

Project Officer, Child Protection 

Rishita Bhattacharya

Members of the board

In Denmark:

Lisbeth Johansen
Founder of LittleBigHelp

+45 2485 5858

Kristine Alsly Hansen
Private Sector Partnerships Officer, UNHCR

Deputy Chairwoman, Strategic and Programmatic support

Anja Hartung Sfyrla
Chief Advisor/Owner, Loop Nordic  
Strategy and Events 

Mette S. Bertelsen
Head of Marketing, tandlæ 
Secretary, Events & Finance Assistance

Karin Jul Pedersen
Director, PLUS1 Tandlægeklinik 

Strategy & Administration

In India:

Members of the board in LittleBigHelp India Trust in Kolkata

Dipak H. Doshi

Managing Trustee

Sohini Roychowdhury Dasgupta


Sudipto Dasgupta


Bliv medlem af LittleBigHelp

For 50, 200 eller 500 kr. om året kan du blive medlem af LittleBigHelp. 

Som medlem er der ingen forventninger til dit engagement, men du hjælper os både med at sikre en vigtig støtte fra Kulturstyrelsen og bidrager direkte til vores indsats for udsatte børn og familier i Indien.

Den Lille Danmarksindsamling

På vores projekter tjener kvinderne i gennemsnit 359% mere, når de har færdiggjort en af vores erhvervsuddannelser, end de gjorde før de startede. 

Tryk på linket, læs mere om hvorfor det er så vigtigt at vi støtter kvinderne i slummen i Indien og vær med til at gøre en forskel.

Mangler du en jule- eller mandelgave?

Giv en af vores gaver og giv den måske vigtigste gave – en forandring af liv.  

På linket nedenfor kan du se vores tre forskellige gaver til 250 kr, 500 kr. og 845 kr. 

GIv et bidrag til vores festDiwali på lørdag d. 4. nov.

På lørdag slår vi dørene op til dette års FestDiwali og selvom du ikke har nået at få en billet, kan du stadig støtte vores arbejde. 

Tryk på linket, giv et bidrag og vær med til at gøre en forskel.