Create a will

Include LittleBigHelp in your will
This page is mainly for Danish citizens, but if you live outside Denmark and would like to include LittleBigHelp in your will, we would love to help the best we can, so please contact us on info@littlebighelp.com. By including LittleBigHelp in your will you can support our work in empowering vulnerable children and families in West Bengal, India.
How to create a will
We have partnered with both Document 24 and Testaviva for the creation of wills. With Document 24, you will be offered to create a free will online, and with Testaviva, you will receive a discount on your will. Both options only require that you donate an inheritance to LittleBigHelp. You determine the size of your donation.
Go to free will with Dokument 24 here.
Go to will with a discount with Testaviva here.
Thank you very much for your support
We hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to create a will in favor of LittleBigHelp. Thank you in advance for your support.