Birthday celebration
at our hostels

All children's lives are worth celebrating, and that's exactly what we do at our Boys' and Girls' Hostel.
Before the children move into our Boys’ or Girls’ Hostel, very few of them have had their birthdays celebrated.
At LittleBigHelp, we believe that all children deserve to be celebrated, so we always make the day special.
When the birthday child wakes up, they are greeted with a “happy birthday” and a birthday hug from the head of the hostel. After the morning meditation, all the other children wish the birthday child a happy birthday and tell them, “It’s your day!”
If it’s a regular school day, the child will go to school as usual, but in the evening, there will be a birthday song and birthday cake. In India, there’s a tradition where you give each other the first bite by hand!
After that, there’s a birthday party with dancing and music, which the children absolutely love—both the boys and girls have a blast when a birthday is celebrated. Finally, the birthday child is sworn to take good care of themselves in the coming year.
It’s so important that we continually remind the children that they don’t need to perform to have value—they are loved just as they are. By celebrating their birthday, we contribute to the narrative that they are worth celebrating!