How's it going
after a year and a half?

In early 2023, we ended our daily presence in the DumDum slum. Since then, a year and a half has passed, and we are following up to ensure that our projects are socially sustainable.

We had a Community Centre and initiatives in the DumDum slum area from 2016 to 2023, and we would now like to provide an update on how things have progressed since then.

From the beginning we at LittleBigHelp developed our concept of Community Centres, it was never our intention to have a permanent presence in the slum areas where we start activities. As a slum area develops, it becomes less vulnerable, and it is always those who need our efforts the most who are our target group.

This doesn’t mean we leave the moment one family’s life is transformed, but we look at broader trends. You can actually read more about the trends in another blog post right here

Although we are no longer present daily in the DumDum slum, we still follow up with the residents. During our visits, we have investigated and noted the following:

  • The children continue to attend school. As our team walks through the area, the children share their positive experiences from school.
  • Parents of the children regularly attend parent-teacher meetings and take them seriously.
  • The young girls and adult women in the slum are attentive to their health, particularly in managing menstrual hygiene.
  • The women in the area are very conscious of taking care of themselves, and they speak out against all forms of violence.
  • The residents of the slum are informed about services offered by public authorities and know how to access them.
  • Our Change Agents (young volunteers) are engaged and, among other things, take responsibility for the vending machine with sanitary pads that we have installed in a Woman Friendly Toilet in the slum. They ensure that pads are always available and that the machine functions properly. They raise awareness about the importance of education, children’s rights, health, and why child marriages should be avoided to ensure children’s future and well-being.

Our exit from this slum area is a fantastic example of how important a long-term and holistic approach is. When we now see that the progress endures and life has improved, it greatly strengthens our motivation and reinforces our ideal that our projects should be socially sustainable. By this, we mean that the change continues even after we stop our efforts.

This is made possible thanks to individuals and companies who continuously support our work. So, thank you to everyone who helps us create this important change!

We are so grateful for the support of our projects, which ensures that we can continue our work.

Right now, we need more members, and we hope you would like to help us with that! As a member, there are no expectations for your involvement, other than an annual donation of either 500 DKK (67 EUROs), 200 DKK (27 EUROs), or 50 DKK (7 EUROs). You can easily sign up using the form below.

Thank you for your support!

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Den Lille Danmarksindsamling

På vores projekter tjener kvinderne i gennemsnit 359% mere, når de har færdiggjort en af vores erhvervsuddannelser, end de gjorde før de startede. 

Tryk på linket, læs mere om hvorfor det er så vigtigt at vi støtter kvinderne i slummen i Indien og vær med til at gøre en forskel.

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