Finding Purpose: The Story of Ashim's
Journey to Education


In the heart of Bichalighat, a lively neighbourhood in Howrah, lives a 12-year-old boy named Ashim*.

From an early age his life hadn’t been easy. His father passed away when he was very young, leaving him and his mother. Then, tragedy struck the family again when his grandfather lost his life in a road accident. With only his mother to rely on, they found shelter at his grandmother’s home, who runs a tea stall to support the family.

Ashim spent his days wandering on the streets with other street children, often getting into trouble. He never went to school and sometimes helped his grandmother at the tea stall. Life wasn’t kind to him, and it showed in his behaviour at the time – he was rude and stubborn.

But things began to change when we opened a Community Centre in Bichalighat. Ashim caught the attention of our team, as they saw him doodling on roadside walls or playing with the other street kids. We reached out to his mother, explaining the opportunities our organisation could provide for Ashim’s future. Though hesitant at first, she eventually agreed, hoping it might offer a path out of the cycle of hardship they were currently in.

It took time and patience to earn Ashim’s trust. One day, as he passed by the Community Centre, he saw children engaged in crafts and drawing. It sparked something inside him, and the next day, he went there with a friend. We welcomed him warmly and gave him a drawing book and pencil, which made him very happy. From then on, he started attending regularly, learning basic education and improving his drawing skills.

In 2024, Ashim enrolled in school, which was a big milestone for him and his family. His mother expressed her gratitude to the LittleBigHelp team for helping shape her son’s future 

“I am thankful to LittleBigHelp for helping my child and shaping his dream, I hope one day he will become an established and good human being”.

Ashim’s journey from a troubled street child to a hopeful student was not easy, but it was a testament to the transformative power of education and support.

*Changed name

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