Partner with us

For companies

Strengthen your engagement, well-being and ESG profile with Purpose

The studies have spoken: When companies prioritize responsibility and sustainability with a clear Purpose, they win on both customers, partnerships, and employee engagement. 

That’s why we want to strengthen your ‘Purpose’ and help you communicate this, both externally to the world and internally to your current and potential employees. Welcome to LittleBigHelp’s Purpose Package! 

You can help us make a change

As a company, there are several ways in which you can support the work we do in LittleBigHelp. All donations make a difference and will be used to change the future for vulnerable adults and children in India. Our projects are focused on empowering individuals, families and communities with the opportunities and help they need to break out of poverty. Read more about them here.

When you support our work, you also contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Our package solutions

The Good Heart Package

  • Text, images, and videos for company communication and CSR and ESG reports
  • An inspiring talk by Lisbeth Johansen, founder of LittleBigHelp
  • Shared social media posts
  • Company logo and information on LittleBigHelp’s website and annual report
  • Customization options for the package based on needs.


30,000 KR / 4,000 Euro

The Purpose Package

  • Company personnel event with an Indian theme 
  • Opportunity to visit our projects in India 
  • Annual video update from India directly to the employees
  • Yearly thank-you video for the company
  • Customization options for the package based on needs. 
  • The entire Good Heart Package                                                                                                          

FROM 50,000 KR
/ 6,700 Euros

Donate here

Other ways to contribute


Donate an amout of your choice to 56499

Bank transfers

Registration number: 9070
Account number: 0001502301

IBAN: DK9293370001502301

Indian transfers

Note: Indian currency donations
Account Name: LittleBigHelp India Trust.
Account No. 914010034801160
Bank: Axis Bank Ltd
Branch: Sarat Bose Road, KolkataIFSC Code: UTIB0000411
Account type: Savings

Our Partners

Be inspired by these different examples of how corporations and foundations are supporting LittleBigHelp’s work for vulnerable children and families in India. 

Danish leather company dbramante1928 donates an amount to LittleBigHelp for each product sold all over Europe. The opportunity to help us make a difference is a strong sales and employee branding driver for the dbramante1928 team and the shop employees.

Once you’ve seen the extreme poverty in India, you want to do something. Our products are produced in Kolkata, and even though we do all we can to provide the best facilities and rights to our workforce, we want to give something back to society and make a difference, especially for the children. We are proud to support the caring and passionate people in LittleBigHelp who work tirelessly to give children a better life through education, protection and support in the slum communities.

Dennis Dress
Owner, dbramante

Lind Foundation supports our work with an annual contribution and is thereby an important contributor to funding our boys’ home and girls’ home where we help young street children towards a brighter future.

Lind Foundation supports LittleBigHelp, as the effort they provide benefits both the individual child’s present as well as future. LittleBigHelp has clear plans for how they can scale up and how as many street children as possible can get the absolute necessary help. At Lind Foundation we also appreciate that LittleBigHelp operates with a focus on being a transparent organisation in order that you as a contributor can see where contributions and donations go.

A close collaboration with LittleBigHelp has made it possible for Lind Foundation to have thorough knowledge of the organisation’s work including their many projects. This knowledge is especially relevant for us in regard to how Lind Foundation’s support is converted into developmental social work for the children at the boys’ and girls’ home projects in Kolkata, where Lind Foundation’s support is aimed at getting the children off the streets and offering them a new life with a focus on care, nutrition and schooling.

Henrik Lind
CEO, Lind Foundation

In addition to an annual contribution, consulting company Bain & Company donates consulting expertise in regards to organisational development such as branding, communication, finance and partnerships.

At Bain & Company, we believe in direct personal involvement and concrete results. That’s why we’re proud to support Lisbeth and the team in LittleBigHelp who involve themselves to make a focused and personal difference for children living on the street in India.”

Torsten Hvidt
Partner, Bain & Company

With an annual contribution, Øens Rådgivningshus supports our work to make a differene not only for vulnerable children and women in need of help right now, but for generations to come. 

“What we admire about LittleBigHelp is that their work not only benefits the individual, but the whole community. We’re happy and proud to contribute to a long-lasting and sustainable development for some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Kenneth Gudmundsson
Founder, Øens Rådgivningshus

A big part of our funds come from fundraising events such as our annual charity gala and dinner. Sinatur Skarrildhus Hotel & Conference was event sponsor for the charity dinner in 2019 in Herning, providing not only the venue but donating staff, food and event production. 

”For Skarrildhus and Sinatur, it means a lot to support and help where we can see that it makes a difference. It is in line with Sinatur’s Society Ambition to take responsibility for people and nature. LittleBigHelp and Founder Lisbeth Johansen make a huge difference for children who deserve a better and safe upbringing. We have the utmost respect for the work and the many efforts put into it. It is with great joy and humility that we support LittleBigHelp.

Kirsten Secher Villumsen  Director, Sinatur Skarrildhus

With support from the Nine United Foundation, we have been able to continue our work in the Dumdum slum area in Kolkata, providing school preparation courses for children who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend school. When we started working in Dumdum, child marriage was a widespread practice, but in 2019 no new cases were reported to us. Another huge accomplishment is the fact that women have become much more aware of the importance of prioritising education for their daughters rather than making them get married.


A number of foundations support our work either through a recurring or single donation. Together we create better opportunities for vulnerable children and families in India.

How to claim your tax deduction

For Danish citizens

In Denmark, donations up to DKK 18,300 (2024) are tax deductible, not including membership fees. Only applicable for Danish citizens. 

Read more here.

For Indian citizens

In India, all donations in INR to LittleBigHelp India Trust are exempted from 50% tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. You can donate through bank transfers, cheque or cash. Contact us at to get a receipt for your donation or if you have any questions.

For Danish companies

There are two ways as a company to receive deductions:

1. As a company with a Danish CVR-number you will have to evaluate whether you can deduct your donation as a running cost (e.g. for advertising). See the Danish legislation Statsskattelovens §6. Contact your auditor or lawyer to clarify. 

2. In addition, corporate donations are tax-deductible and can, like private individuals, receive deductions of up to 18,300 DKK when both we and the company have reported to the tax authorities. We report the full donation amount to the tax authorities if you have shared your CVR number with us. 

For companies

Eurowind Energy have chosen to provide 10 children from India’s slum with Daily School Preparation by supporting LittleBigHelp. 

Supporting LittleBigHelp was an easy choice to make. We believe that receiving an education is a fundamental part of life that everyone is entitled to, because being educated enables a brighter future, not only for the individual, but also for their families and the entire community. Lisbeth and the team’s work is so crucial for the children living on the street in India, and we are very proud to be a part of this important cause.

Jens Rasmussen
Eurowind Energy

Eurowind Energy

We are proud to be a Corporate Partner with LittleBigHelp and support their development work in India to help vulnerable children and their families. LittleBigHelp’s projects empower out-of-school children from the slums to get back to or start in school and they provide marginalised women a vocational education. What we admire about LittleBigHelp’s projects is that, it is not only the individual that benefits, but it is the whole community that flourishes and sets the direction for generations to come. In ØENSs Rådgivningshus we are happy to contribute to a long-lasting and sustainable development for some of the most vulnerable individuals in the world.  

Kenneth Gudmundsson
Founder and CEO, ØENS Rådgivningshus 

ØENS Rådgivningshus

Christian and I met each other through a shared passion for football and the unity and opportunities that the sport provides. Since then, we have supported general projects around the world. LittleBigHelp creates communities and opportunities and their passion completely matches ours.

Jesper Søgaard and Christian Kirk Rasmussen

Better Holding 2012

We have closely followed LittleBigHelp for a longer period and observed the tremendous work they do for vulnerable children and adults, especially in Kolkata.

Therefore, it has been entirely natural for us at WECO A/S to support these life-saving projects and rejoice over the difference we are contributing to making.

Johan Wedell-Wedellsborg
Owner, WECO A/S

DMax is proud to support LittleBigHelp, Lisbeth Johansen and the team’s work. As a local company in Kolkata, it is important for DMax to help the community we work in and are a part of. It is of the utmost importance to us that our partner has transparency, and we can specifically follow the contribution and the difference. During the years we have been a partner for LittleBigHelp, it is impressive to visit the projects and see the big difference that LittleBigHelp creates on a daily basis. 

Dipu Doshi
CEO, DMax Overseas, Kolkata, India

DMax Overseas

“At Skall Studio we wish to support those who support others. Because we know that small steps can have a great impact. LittleBigHelp is very close to our hearts as all of our cotton and linen styles are made in India. At the same time, we have a strong connection to India as we have both lived and worked in the country before establishing Skall Studio.

LittleBigHelp makes a big difference with few funds and in their work with securing education for children and empowerment of women they stand together with the local population to secure a better future for those in India who need it the most. “

Julie and Marie Skall
Designers and founders, Skall Studio

Skall Studio

dbramante1928 supports LittleBigHelp because we want to make a difference where we work. We have with our own eyes seen the extreme poverty and the many thousands of street children living in Kolkata, and once you have seen this you have to do something, give something back.

For us it means even more supporting LittleBigHelp as we produce our Products in Kolkata and even though we do everything possible to give great facilities & rights to our workforce, we simply want to give something back to society and make a difference, especially for the children.

Dennis Dress
Owner, dbramante1928


LittleBigHelp makes a huge difference through all of their projects, and it’s a pleasure for us to be able to support them. It is important for us to follow the development of the projects, and we are very satisfied with the information we receive on an ongoing basis. 

Kaj Jensen
Director, Ejendomsselskabet X

Ejendomsselskabet X

For us, it makes particularly good sense that the chair, which was created especially for the Finn Juhl hall at the UN headquarters, is part of CSR activities. LittleBigHelp is a great example of how even a small organization can make a big difference for vulnerable children and women. It really is an effort that pays off.   

Hans Henrik Sørensen
Director, House of Finn Juhl

House of Finn Juhl

About the donation of FestDiwali 2023:

“It is a truly great pleasure for us at Scandic to donate this entire evening to such a noble cause, and with LittleBigHelp as our partner, we know that the funds raised go directly to the projects in India.”

Klaus Johansen
Commercial Director, Scandic Hotels

“We always told each other we want to make a dent in the universe and we want to do it the right way with good karma in mind. We are passionate people and we love people that go for that they believe in. And that is exactly what we found when we met Lisbeth and Rachel. They are true power women that want to make a difference in the world with the right values. Therefore, we quickly agreed that this was something we wanted to support.”

Sonu Banga, Founding Partner

“Both Sonu and I have roots back to India and we have been blessed with good life thanks to our families. Not all people have access to education and basic needs but if we can help just one person have a better life by supporting an organization like LittleBigHelp that is true karma and meaning. We want to give back to our communities and roots which is why we want to help an organization like LittleBigHelp  that do it the right way with the right values.” 

Amit Luthra, Founding Partner


In PAJ HOLDING ApS we are incredibly proud to support LittleBigHelp and their important projects in India. We have, with our own eyes, seen the big difference the projects are making for many vulnerable children and adults as they are empowered.

We are happy to see how our support, in a very concrete way, makes a difference for some of the most vulnerable people in the world. That is why we at PAJ HOLDING ApS support this cause.

Poul Anker Johansen


The effort and sacrifices Lisbeth Johansen, has made for LittleBigHelp to become a reality is admirable and very inspiring. After seeing the projects with my own eyes, meeting all the children and experience first hand, the outstanding work the whole team from LittleBigHelp is doing every single day, makes me very humble and grateful for being able to support LittleBigHelp. I’ve visited the projects in India several times, and I will continue to do so to follow their development.

Many ask me if it was hard to witness all the hardship and poverty, but my experience is the opposite. It was so rewarding to see the transformation that children and women experience when they receive help from LittleBigHelp. 

It’s very clear to me how much even a small donation can change lives for so many people and how much it means in the bigger picture around the world.
Let’s keep up the good work and love for all the children and women and continue to support all we can in the future. 

Kevin Pihl-Nielsen
Owner/Director, T-shirttrykkere


At Sirius Energy we strive for our work to be meaningful every day and contribute to making the world a better place. That’s why we focus on what we do best. By doing so, we create opportunities to support causes that are important to us, where we can see that our support makes the greatest impact for those in need. 

It is crucial to us that our support is utilized efficiently and does not get consumed by large administrations where the use of funds is not transparent. 

Supporting LittleBigHelp is a cause close to our hearts. Their vision, passion, commitment, and results are exemplary and we take pride in being able to support their ongoing work. Together, we are stronger. 

Thomas Palm
CEO, Sirius Energy

Since we started supporting LittleBigHelp in 2019 we have had a special bond. With LittleBigHelp’s big focus on empowering women’s rights and possibilities, it’s a great match with the Nümph DNA, which is all about creating fashion and products for the special girl, who believes in herself and wants to stand out. Through our Sisterhood campaigns it’s been confirmed that our collaboration is here to stay.

In Nümph we are proud to
support the development of LittleBigHelp and the change they create for many vulnerable people in the slums of India. LittleBigHelp has a big transparency and a big heart which makes them a pleasure to work with.

Lars Ørnfeldt Jensen  
CEO, Nümph


Leonardo da Vinci once said “people of accomplishment rarely sit back and let things happen to them, they go out and happen to things”. Lisbeth and her team in LittleBigHelp involve themselves directly to create a focused and personal difference for street children in India. At Bain & Company we also believe in direct, personal involvement and in concrete results, and that is why we support LittleBigHelp.

Torsten Hvidt 
Partner, Bain & Company 

Bain & Company

Through the years Black Colour has enjoyed a close and familiar trade with Indian suppliers. We wish to give something back to a population who in many cases are in need of a helping hand.

The Empowerment Project by LittleBigHelp was therefore an obvious and thought-through project that we believe in. To give Indian women the choice to create a better life for themselves and their families, in a culture and a society we can hardly imagine in Europe, was an easy choice for us.

Anette Skjødt Larsen 
CEO and Founder, Black Colour

Black Colour

The founder of LittleBigHelp, Lisbeth Johansen, has a special driving force and passion to help vulnerable children and families in India, which we admire a lot. 

Every child has the right to a good childhood and basic needs as food, a bed and schooling. When the children comes under the ving of LittleBigHelp, they receive help (both mentally and practically), which makes a huge difference for the vulnerable street children. One of LBH’s projects are a girls’ home where 21 girls live. They love dressing up, dancing and making puzzles, just like all other girls their age. It warmth my heart so much when we got a greeting from the home with the happy girls in their colourful dresses! We are proud to be Corporate Partners and support LBH’s projects in India. We have made a supporting poster, where all sales go directly to LBH. The poster symbolises håb, freedom and friendship and depicts 3 playing children in front of one of the most iconic buildings in Kolkata: Victoria Memorial. 

Dorthe Mathiesen
CEO and Head of Design, Vissevasse


For Skarrildhus and Sinatur, it means a lot to support and help where we can see that it makes a difference. It is in line with Sinatur’s Society Ambition to take responsibility for people and nature. LittleBigHelp and Founder Lisbeth Johansen make a huge difference for children who deserve a better and safe upbringing. We have the utmost respect for the work and the many efforts put into it. It is with great joy and humility that we support LittleBigHelp.

Kirsten Secher Villumsen
Director, Skarrildhus Sinatur Hotel

Skarrildhus Sinatur Hotel & Konference

Pajo Bolte is proud to support LittleBigHelp. We have visited the projects several times and seen what a big difference Lisbeth and her hard working team in India make for both children and women. With our contribution, we can help ensure a brighter future for extremely vulnerable women and children in Kolkata

Poul Anker Johansen
Director, Pajo Bolte

Pajo Bolte

Bliv medlem af LittleBigHelp

For 50, 200 eller 500 kr. om året kan du blive medlem af LittleBigHelp. 

Som medlem er der ingen forventninger til dit engagement, men du hjælper os både med at sikre en vigtig støtte fra Kulturstyrelsen og bidrager direkte til vores indsats for udsatte børn og familier i Indien.

Den Lille Danmarksindsamling

På vores projekter tjener kvinderne i gennemsnit 359% mere, når de har færdiggjort en af vores erhvervsuddannelser, end de gjorde før de startede. 

Tryk på linket, læs mere om hvorfor det er så vigtigt at vi støtter kvinderne i slummen i Indien og vær med til at gøre en forskel.

Mangler du en jule- eller mandelgave?

Giv en af vores gaver og giv den måske vigtigste gave – en forandring af liv.  

På linket nedenfor kan du se vores tre forskellige gaver til 250 kr, 500 kr. og 845 kr. 

GIv et bidrag til vores festDiwali på lørdag d. 4. nov.

På lørdag slår vi dørene op til dette års FestDiwali og selvom du ikke har nået at få en billet, kan du stadig støtte vores arbejde. 

Tryk på linket, giv et bidrag og vær med til at gøre en forskel.