Centre For Special

We support the centre for special education which offers care and education for children and adolescents with special needs.




People with special needs have the right to freedom, equality, social security and human dignity – just like any other human being. The centre for special education is a school for 180 children and adolescents from tribal villages near Bankura who would not otherwise be able to attend school or receive care. Many of the children suffer from malnutrition and neglect, and the prevalence of tribal superstition and lack of awareness means that people with special needs are often marginalized and excluded from their communities.

The centre provides comprehensive rehabilitation programmes for these children and young people to improve their quality of life and help their integration into society. Supporting the students in choosing what they want to do based on their strengths and needs, the centre offers vocational training and life skills education.

2023 in numbers


Children learned to independently transfer themselves from wheelchair to chair


Children learned to walk independently


Children learned to pronounce their own name

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Som medlem er der ingen forventninger til dit engagement, men du hjælper os både med at sikre en vigtig støtte fra Kulturstyrelsen og bidrager direkte til vores indsats for udsatte børn og familier i Indien.

Den Lille Danmarksindsamling

På vores projekter tjener kvinderne i gennemsnit 359% mere, når de har færdiggjort en af vores erhvervsuddannelser, end de gjorde før de startede. 

Tryk på linket, læs mere om hvorfor det er så vigtigt at vi støtter kvinderne i slummen i Indien og vær med til at gøre en forskel.

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GIv et bidrag til vores festDiwali på lørdag d. 4. nov.

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