She earned
11 cent pr. day

Veda has not only started school – she is also helping to create change in the slum where she lives

When we opened our Community Centre in Canal Side in 2023, our team met Veda*. She was 12 years old, not attending school, and working in the local tea stall. She earned 10 Indian Rupees a day, which is equivalent to 11 euro cent pr. day. The money went to her family, who were facing a difficult financial situation.

When we started our activities, Veda quickly became interested and began attending our daily school preparation sessions. Here, she met adults who believed in her and supported her development.

Initially, her parents were not cooperative, and they didn’t like the changes to their daily life. Our team, therefore, conducted regular home visits and had conversations with the family to ensure their support for Veda’s education.

*Name changed.

After a while, she stopped working at the tea stall and decided to focus on getting an education. After attending our school preparation sessions, she was enrolled in the local school as part of the first batch after we started our activities in the slum area. Today, Veda is 14 years old, still attending school daily, and doing very well.

Veda’s transformation has also created a ripple effect: She has become one of our Change Agents, raising awareness about education among other young girls in the slum, including her own sister. Her determination and commitment have inspired her family and friends, making them more receptive to LittleBigHelp’s messages, such as the importance of girls’ education.

Now, Veda’s family is extremely grateful for the impact that our team and the activities at the Community Centre have had on her life. They are proud of her academic achievements and the positive changes she has brought home.

Veda herself says:
I was not aware of the importance of education. Thank you, LittleBigHelp, for giving me the path that led me to the brightest light.

We are so proud of Veda’s development and look forward to following her journey and seeing how education will continue to impact her life moving forward.

We are so grateful for the support of our projects, which ensures that we can continue our work.

Right now, we need more members, and we hope you would like to help us with that! As a member, there are no expectations for your involvement, other than an annual donation of either 500 DKK (67 EUROs), 200 DKK (27 EUROs), or 50 DKK (7 EUROs). You can easily sign up using the form below.

Thank you for your support!

Become a member

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Bliv medlem af LittleBigHelp

For 50, 200 eller 500 kr. om året kan du blive medlem af LittleBigHelp. 

Som medlem er der ingen forventninger til dit engagement, men du hjælper os både med at sikre en vigtig støtte fra Kulturstyrelsen og bidrager direkte til vores indsats for udsatte børn og familier i Indien.

Den Lille Danmarksindsamling

På vores projekter tjener kvinderne i gennemsnit 359% mere, når de har færdiggjort en af vores erhvervsuddannelser, end de gjorde før de startede. 

Tryk på linket, læs mere om hvorfor det er så vigtigt at vi støtter kvinderne i slummen i Indien og vær med til at gøre en forskel.

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GIv et bidrag til vores festDiwali på lørdag d. 4. nov.

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