The amazing
exam result of Kabir

Kabir* has lived at our Boys' Hostel for 10 years and comes from a very vulnerable background.
Before Kabir moved in at the Boys’ Hostel, he lived a completely different life. He shares:
“I grew up at Howrah train station where I was afraid to sleep because sometimes at night strangers or the other station boys would urinate on me. Night after night I would lie sleepless.”
One day, Kabir’s father left, leaving behind his mother and him. This left Kabir’s mother in a difficult situation where she had to take whatever work she could find. Consequently, she had to work long hours every day, leaving Kabir alone for many hours at the train station. The meager earnings she made were not enough to cover their basic needs.
Through our outreach efforts, we connected with Kabir’s mother, who enrolled him in our home for vulnerable boys to provide him with the best future opportunities.
Kabir is very happy to live at our Boys’ Hostel:
“The best thing about the Boys’ Hostel is my clean bed, where I can sleep safe and happy. At the Boys’ Hostel, I receive love, care, and protection, which helps me to grow and develop.”
And develop he certainly has.
He is now 16 years old, and over the years, both our team and the school teachers have noticed how bright Kabir is. Recently, he was enrolled in a special exam for selected students, which he performed so well in that he has been awarded a special scholarship. This scholarship will provide him with 1,000 Indian Rupees (approximately 83 DKK) every month for the next 3 years.
It is a great honor for both the school, our hostel, and especially Kabir, who has come so far from being a street child at the station to a young man with a bright future. Kabir says:
“I am so happy about this scholarship. It is a recognition of my hard work and dedication. I am the only one at my school to have received it, so it is a very proud moment for me.”

When we asked Kabir what he plans to use the money for, he replied:
“This monthly amount will help me when I continue my studies because my family will never be able to support my education financially.”
Our team at the Boys’ Hostel has helped Kabir set up a bank account where the money is transferred, allowing him to save and earn interest until he needs it.
It’s no secret that we are very proud on behalf of Kabir and look forward to seeing, which direction he chooses to use his abilities. This is precisely one of the beautiful aspects of our hostels—that the children now actually have a choice, and life is open to them.
*Changed name